A Appendix Credit Model

A.1 Credit Model assumptions

The credit risk portfolio of Section 4 is based on the conditionally binomial credit model described in Section 11.2 of McNeil, Frey, and Embrechts (2015) which belongs to the family of mixture models. Specifically, we consider a portfolio that consists of three homogeneous subportfolios and denote the aggregate portfolio loss by \(L = L_1 + L_2+ L_3\), with \(L_1, L_2, L_3\) the losses of each subportfolio, given by \[\begin{equation} L_i=e_i\cdot\text{LGD}_i\cdot M_i,\quad i=1,2,3, \end{equation}\] where \(e_i\) and \(M_i\) are the exposure and number of defaults of the \(i^{\text{th}}\) subportfolio, respectively, and \(\text{LGD}_i\) is the loss given default of subportfolio \(i\). \(M_i\) is Binomially distributed, conditional on \(H_i\), a random common default probability. Specifically \(M_i|H_i \sim Binomial(m_i,H_i)\), where \(m_i\) is the portfolio size. The \(H_i\)s follow a Beta distributions with parameters chosen so as to match given overall unconditional default probabilities \(p_i\) and default correlations \(\rho_i\), that is, the correlation between (the indicators of) two default events within a subportfolio, see McNeil, Frey, and Embrechts (2015). The dependence structure of \((H_1,H_2,H_3)\) is modelled via a Gaussian copula with correlation matrix
\[\begin{equation}\Sigma = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0.3 & 0.1\\ 0.3 & 1 & 0.4\\ 0.1 & 0.4 & 1 \end{pmatrix}.\end{equation}\]

Table A.1 summarises the parameter values used in the simulation.

Table A.1: Parameter values used in the simulation for the credit risk portfolio in Section 4.
\(i\) \(m_i\) \(e_i\) \(p_i\) \(\rho_i\) \(LGD_i\)
1 2500 80 0.0004 0.00040 0.250
2 5000 25 0.0097 0.00440 0.375
3 2500 10 0.0503 0.01328 0.500

A.2 Code for generating the data

  nsim <- 100000
# counterparties subportfolio 1, 2 and 3
  m1 <- 2500
  m2 <- 5000
  m3 <- 2500
  # prob of default for subportfolios 1, 2 and 3
  p1 <- 0.0004 
  p2 <- 0.0097 
  p3 <- 0.0503  
  # correlation between default probabilities
  rho1 <- 0.0004
  rho2 <- 0.0044
  rho3 <- 0.01328
# exposures
  e1 <- 80
  e2 <- 25 
  e3 <- 10 
# loss given default
  LGD1 <- 0.25
  LGD2 <- 0.375
  LGD3 <- 0.5
# beta parameters: matching subportfolios default probabilities and correlation
  alpha1 <- p1 * (1 / rho1 - 1)
  beta1 <- alpha1 * (1 / p1 - 1)
  alpha2 <- p2 * (1 / rho2 - 1)
  beta2 <- alpha2 * (1 / p2 - 1)
  alpha3 <- p3 * (1 / rho3 - 1)
  beta3 <- alpha3 * (1 / p3 - 1)
# correlations between subportfolios
  cor12 <- 0.3
  cor13 <- 0.1
  cor23 <- 0.4
# Gaussian copula structure
  myCop <- normalCopula(param = c(cor12, cor13, cor23), dim = 3, dispstr = "un")
# multivariate beta with given copula
  myMvd <- mvdc(copula = myCop,
                margins = c("beta", "beta", "beta"),
                paramMargins = list(list(alpha1, beta1),
                                    list(alpha2, beta2),
                                    list(alpha3, beta3)))

# simulation from the chosen copula
  H <- rMvdc(nsim, myMvd)
# simulate number of default per subportfolios (binomial distributions)
  M1 <- rbinom(n = nsim, size = m1, prob = H[, 1])
  M2 <- rbinom(n = nsim, size = m2, prob = H[, 2])
  M3 <- rbinom(n = nsim, size = m3, prob = H[, 3])
# total loss per subportfolio
  L1 <- M1 * e1 * LGD1
  L2 <- M2 * e2 * LGD2
  L3 <- M3 * e3 * LGD3
# aggregate portfolio loss
  L <- L1 + L2 + L3
# the credit data included in SWIM
  credit_data <- cbind(L, L1, L2, L3, H)
  colnames(credit_data) <- c("L", "L1", "L2", "L3", "H1", "H2", "H3")